June 27, 2013
CONTACT: Kurt Hammond, Public Information Officer- (360) 786-7794
Final two bills of Smith’s economic development package headed to governor’s desk
At the beginning of the legislative session, Rep. Norma Smith authored and introduced a package of four bills to improve the business and regulatory climate in Washington state. She later partnered with Sen. Sharon Brown who introduced them in the Senate, increasing the opportunity for their passage. Smith was able to get two of them through the legislative process during the regular session. Tonight the Legislature sent the Senate companion bills of the economic development package to the governor for his signature.
“I am ecstatic we were able to get all four pieces of this package through the legislative process,” said Smith, R-Clinton. “This legislation is long overdue and has been a difficult and hard-fought process. It provides a framework for reducing and streamlining the duplicative and confusing regulations facing our job creators and provides a one-stop portal within our state bureaucracy for them.
“I am deeply grateful to Senator Brown for her diligent efforts to accomplish this achievement.”
Both Smith’s companion bills, were prime-sponsored in the Senate by Sen. Sharon Brown.
Senate Bill 5718/House Bill 1757 requires the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) to provide the Legislature with a plan for establishing performance benchmarks, and for measuring the results of implementing a one-stop portal. It also requires the Department of Revenue, the Department of Labor and Industries, the Secretary of State, the Employment Security Department and the Department of Commerce to collaborate with the OCIO in developing and tracking these benchmarks and performance measures.
Senate Bill 5679/House Bill 1591 directs three agencies – ecology, labor and Industries, and health – to develop a formal review process of existing rules or adequate streamlining processes. They have until the end of the year to bring their plan back to the Legislature.
All four of the measures are based on recommendations from the state auditor and Economic Development Commission.
For more information about Rep. Smith, visit: www.houserepublicans.wa.gov/smith.
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