May 2, 2013
CONTACT: Kurt Hammond, Public Information Officer – (360) 786-7794
Rep. Norma Smith – (360) 786-7884
Rep. Smith has two bills signed into law, including key measure to streamline business licensing
On May 1, Rep. Norma Smith had two bills signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee, including legislation that will provide a more user-friendly structure for employers and startup businesses needing licensing information.
House Bill 1403 clarifies that all state agencies issuing licenses must supply information to the Business Licenses Service (BLS) and the types of information they must provide. Currently, BLS is administered by the Department of Revenue and only has a fraction of licensing information available on its Web site.
Smith, who is the lead Republican on economic development issues, says the measure is a first step in providing a one-stop portal for businesses and reducing government barriers to the private sector. She adds the measure is important for job creators and a direct recommendation from the state auditor’s report on regulatory reform.
“The Auditor found a stunning failure of agencies providing licensing information to the Business Licenses Service, resulting in confusion and an inability to access needed information. The report highlighted that the regulatory climate in our state is a key competitive disadvantage, and validated what our job creators have been saying for years,” said Smith, R-Clinton. “Our state government needs a better method of providing customer service and information to employers, and this is a short-term solution as we move toward a one-stop portal, providing the customer service our job creators deserve.”
The governor also signed House Bill 1141, which establishes a state mechanism to properly manage the Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Account – an approximately $1 billion loan program to local governments. It does not add additional cost to the borrowers as they provide critical infrastructure to communities.
“This is a good-government bill that will provide the Department of Ecology with management resources to keep water pollution control funds revolving in perpetuity. It also gives the department the ability to help small counties and cities with water quality problems,” Smith said.
Both bills take effect July 27, 2013.
PHOTO CAPTION: The governor signs Rep. Norma Smith’s House Bill 1403 with the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) and the Association of Washington Business (AWB) represented at the bill signing.
PHOTO CAPTION: Gov. Inslee congratulates Rep. Norma Smith on passage of House Bill 1141.
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